Saturday, December 21, 2013

The Goal: Run Hard

And I did that! It's the next 2 mile race in the series and this time on roads. The weather was great at 40 degrees, very slight breeze and just a bit of puddles/muckiness on course. My goal was really just to run hard and stay focused. It's been quite a week since Deception Pass 25k. I've barely run which was as planned. And it's the holidays so I've been partaking of treats and goodies at work all in the name of recovery and holidays. I don't believe in depriving myself of anything but I did feel very slug-like and marshmellowy.  
And I felt awful warming up. All runs this week have been about 10 minute pace and very sluggish feeling. This morning was no different. I'm still stiff especially in my hips but fortunately all the little tweaks from teh race settled down. The lungs were tight and I made liberal use of my inhaler.  I planned on going out hard at 7 flat pace and seeing what happened. I expected to come in over 14 minutes and really slow the second mile.  

And we went out fast, of course, and as I'm settling down and into pace, 6:50ish feels right.  I'm working and breathing hard but it feels doable. I listen to those around me and they sound the same.  The second loop is where I work to hold focus and pace.  It's always tough as people slow but here I started passing people.  I could see the women who are in my same age group ahead of me.  I know one of them is coming into this series in great shape so i won't pass her but maybe I can catch some of the others.  
Last turn and I've caught a fellow age grouper but I have no kick whatsoever. Of course not, i've not trained for that kick and I haven't done any faster races.  However I hit the finish at 13:49 and was way faster than I expected and even better, even splits!  6:51, 6:53. This is the fastest I've run this second race ever and bodes well for the rest of the series.  Sadly i got passed back by one of the women but at least I was closer than last race.  The competition helps but the main competition is with myself and I can't wait to see what happens. 
A running friend came in just behind me beating out a rival (who used to be my rival!). K finished with a new PR and RPD came in just behind as he gets going with the series and recovers from holiday excesses of his own! 

What does this mean? One more week of holiday fun because obviously the sweets and treats did me good and I look forward to the next race. 

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