Thursday, November 25, 2010

I'm dreaming of a white Thanksgiving?

Happy Thanksgiving!  

 It's snowing right now in Seattle and all week we've had unseasonable low temps.  How low?  We saw 19 on our thermometer.  The temps dropped on Monday, we got dumped on in blizzard-like conditions and the temps have stayed below freezing since.  Today the snow will transition to rain and that is just fine.  Our street on top of a hill becomes a snow-packed skating rink.  We can walk down the hill to get to buses and still get to work but driving is out (for me at least). With the hills and inexperienced drivers (I include myself in that), it can be bumper cars out on the streets. 

It really is a forced taper!  There is no way I'd go run in this unless I could easily get to the path around Green Lake.  Snow running (in screw shoes) is great fun as long as you don't have to watch for hidden curbs/potholes and the disturbingly stupid SUV drivers.  So there has been lots of sitting on the couch with cats and they are very thankful for this weather!  Do you see how smug and content Keswick looks? 

1 comment:

rpd said...

Yep, it was sure wintry out there. Brr. But now, happily, we are back to the balmy 40's and rain that we've become accustomed.

Nice forced taper.