Sunday, March 8, 2015

The sun is torturing me.

Oh sure, the weather is beautiful. And i'm not running. Boo! And the garden is about a month ahead of schedule so I have to be out there weeding and thinking I'm late to be planting some veggies. It is still early march though so we can still have frost so don't get too crazy out in the garden. It's still too cold for me and my easily frozen toes to be out on the bike for longer than about 40 minutes. 

This works though as I ride inside on my trainer for 1 hour, 90 minutes and then do the last 30 or so outside in the sun. Lovely. But no, it's not running. 

A good physical therapy appointment this week. That cranky heel? Well I can understand why it is cranky as it is having to do the work of the entire hip/glute. Silly butt. It stopped working. Again. Why yes, I had noticed that i was weaker and unsteady on that side which I attributed to the broken knee cap from last january. I'd done what I could to build strength on that side and had held on through marathon training and even the marathon.
I'm taking another week off of running to restart that hip. Fortunately there was lots of good distractions. I've been catching up on my foreign films (reading subtitles is the perfect focus for staying on teh trainer) and taking my mom out for a birthday cruise. yes, the perfect weather made the day!

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