Seattle is very far away from Charleston. The multiple flights are long. We left early Friday and arrived late Friday in Charleston to visit long time friends. Neither of us have been to Charleston nor even to the south. K did some research and found that there was a 10 mile race just a mile away from where we were staying. Perfect!
the locals were all complaining of the cold. That would include the friends we were visiting. They have acclimated to the weather for certain. We woke the next morning (race day) and were pleasantly surprised to find perfect conditions for racing. 40 degrees, sunny and no wind. the sun alone feels so much warmer that I was glad it was colder than expected. By the time the race started, the sun was well up and it felt a lot warmer (probably mid-50s).
the Folly Beach 10 mile race is a very low key and local event. It starts just a block off the beach and is run in the streets of Folly Beach. No need to close the course to traffic, at this time of year and day there isn't that much. There were volunteers at every turn and the local emergency services (PO-leese, fire) helping hold traffic at the main street. Everyone was very friendly and soon enough we were started on the 5 mile loop we'd run twice. The race director even led the runners on bike. Yeah, low key and local.
Honestly I had no idea what pace to expect to run a 10 mile race. I've done 1 other some years ago. What would slightly faster than half marathon pace be for me now? This race wasn't a goal race either. I've not really started any serious tempo running yet. I've been keeping my mileage up and getting trails in plus some easy quicker stuff just to keep things fresh. based on the 5k a couple weeks ago and long run pace, I thought 8:00-8:05 would be possible. If I was able to come under 1:20 I was going to be delighted but I thought that would be a reach.
Immediately once we started I was running comfortably 7:50 pace. EEKS! what have I done? I felt great though even after the all day flight. My heart rate was low for the pace and I just decided to stay with it. Worst that would happen is that I'd slow quite a bit the last half. I knew I was racing in the south when within the first half mile I heard someone say "baby jesus sure did give us good weather." Yeah, this is a bit different.
I ticked of 5 miles right about 7:48-7:50 pace. Solid and I felt good. I'd not been passed after the first mile, and gradually passed people as I was running. I'd run with a guy from Germany (but originally from Charleston) and chatted with him and an older local gentleman. the Germany guy was dressed in full tights and long sleeved zip for almost 60 degrees. After about 4 miles, he stopped at a house. Really? Sure enough, i saw him at the finish and he'd obviously stopped to drop off his clothes.
By mile 5 after the first loop, I was running by myself. I figured it would start to get much harder here but I kept the same pace and still pulled closer to someone I could see far ahead. I took water at mile 7 which I needed but then started to get a side stitch. that threatened to get a lot worse and here is where I slowed. Still I feared I'd really slow but kept to about 8:05 pace. One more mile at that where I needed to start concentrating on my form. The course was sooooo flat that my tendency to lean back and look ahead was starting to tighten my lower back (that and all the airplane travel). I kept my gaze down and that helped. one more mile (in 7:50) and as I approached the finish i could see the clock was well under 1:19!
1:18:46 by my watch! I jogged back just over a quarter of a mile to the last turn of the course to wait for K. There was a couple volunteering here who'd we'd seen parking right by us before the start. We thought they were running but nope they were just volunteering for this race. We chatted while waiting for K while I gushed about what a nice event this was and how wonderful the weather was coming from Seattle at this time of year. Friendly folk. That's what I'd heard about SC and it seems to be true. K came through and I tried to keep up as he howled about how hard this was (you are racing K!) and we were both done.
Hey, I ran that race too! It was a fun one. I finished in just a few seconds over 1:00. Pretty nice course and the weather was perfect. Have you seen results posted anywhere yet?
Congrats! It was a fun one and I'm glad we got to do it. It doesn't look like results are posted yet but I'm sure they will be eventually on the website for the event.
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