Monday, December 13, 2010

A Nice Break!

Albuquerque in December is so nice!  It was sunny and 60 degrees during the day.  And actually, that was warmer than typical.  We soaked it up after the snow Seattle had the week before.

We went and did some touristy stuff even.  In all my years visiting Abq, I'd never been to the Petroglyph National Monument.  K had last been as a child.  With perfect weather, we had a great time hiking over the volcanic debris and looking for petroglyphs.  It's an amazing setting and if you get a chance, go! 

We had a really nice visit with K's parents and did a lot of good eating at favorite restaurants as usual.  Mmmm... Green Chile!  As is typical, I got a lot of sleep.  I read a lot and knit a lot.  Really, after a marathon is the perfect time to visit ABQ.

K's parents do belong to a local Y and they go three times a week for a strength/stretch class.  good for them in staying active!  K and I would tag along and it was nice to do a little rowing and biking and then some easy stretching/core work.  I did go for a run as usual and was hard pressed to figure out what hurt more.  Was it my legs from the marathon or lungs from the altitude!

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