Sunday, March 18, 2012

The ferns look cold. 
Winter continues.  We'd been promised a La Nina winter and she was a bit late to develop.  She's been here with a vengence the past few weeks just when I'm trying to run a lot of miles.  My timing can be impeccable!  Every run has been in cold (under 45 degrees) and rain and often with wind and fun chunky bits like snow or sleet.  I have one pair of shoes towards the end of their life which are a lovely shade of dirt and always wet.  I have been tracking tons of mud into the house from my calves which get muddy when i run.  At least the extra light in the evenings has been pleasant when it is not black from storms. 

I expected to be quite sore from the sub 1:50 half last weekend and I was.  However it's a really different sore than a hard 10 miles on trails and even by tuesday I was feeling pretty recovered. I was prepared to take this week as a recovery week and keep my miles low.  I did an easier hill repeat workout Tuesday evening (in snow/sleet/wind) and was surprised that my pace on those short uphill sections was faster than I expected.  My legs were tired but I was still able to move.  

I kept the rest of my miles easy and took an extra rest day early in the week.  After a wet and dreary 10 miles in the rain and on the road yesterday, I was very excited to go out to trails today.  Somehow the weather is never as bad seeming on trails and that was true this morning too.  36 miles for the week is not a cutback week.  I am happy about that and a chance to get back on trails.  My next event is a half marathon on trails at the end of April.  I cannot wait!  The mix of 2 weeks with higher mileage and one week lower with a variety of surfaces is working well for me right now and I'm delighted.  I can only hope the weather gets a bit better!

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